Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You Will Love This

The best and worst part of being a shopaholic is that there are so many stores to shop at. As different as most of them are, there are some that are similar enough to be able to shop at interchangeably. Here are some of my favorite lesser-known stores that are great alternatives to stores you've gotten tired of looking through.

If you're looking for something eccentric and on-trend, browse ROMWE's website after you're done on asos.

Free People is basically a haven for free spirits, but Nectar offers the same stuff at lower prices.

Not only do Amazon Fashion and Sammy Dress sell a lot of the same things (literally!) but Sammy Dress does so with the help of accurate and detailed reviews of other customers.

Zara isn't the only store that offers simple elegance: you can get the same classic items at Mango for less!

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