Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer in Seattle

As my third year of college comes to a close, I've been getting excited to spend my second summer living in Seattle. Last year, I spent a lot of time with a partner-in-crime, but I'm excited to be able to take the city alone this summer. Last weekend, I went to Alki Beach for the first time since living in Seattle. There, I saw the best view of the city I've ever seen. Having this new experience and seeing my city from a new perspective encouraged me to think about what I want to do this summer in Seattle. 
  1. Take a road trip: I've taken many road trips over the years, but I haven't had the chance to do so with a group of friends. With so many wonderful places within driving distance (Portland, Vancouver BC, the Oregon Coast, etc.), I can't wait to see where I end up.
  2. Get a tattoo: When I was 18, I had a plan to get a tattoo to celebrate going a year without self-harming. My parents eventually ended up telling me that I couldn't get a tattoo while I was still living under their roof, so I postponed the plan. It's been a couple years and I no longer live with my parents, so I think it's time to acknowledge the strides I've made in dealing with my chronic depression.
  3. Explore the city: I can't believe it took me three years to finally get on a ferry and explore the islands outside of Seattle. I don't want to look back at my time in Seattle and feel like I didn't see enough of the city I lived in. There are lots of beautiful places within the realm of public transportation, which leaves me with no excuse to stay on my side of town.
  4. Make time to do arts and crafts: I love to paint, embroider, and follow DIY tutorials. I don't have a lot of time to be creative for long periods of time during the school year, so I want to take advantage of the time I have available this summer,
  5. Read for fun: I'm taking two online classes this summer, but I'll still have more time and energy to read outside of my assigned reading. 
  6. Write something: During the school year, I write so much academic material that I'm not left with a lot of energy to write anything longer than a blog post. Creative writing has always been a big part of my life, and I want to be able to allow myself time to do it.
  7. Find some post-grad options: I'm graduating in six months! I have a lot of ideas about what I want to do when I graduate (teaching in South America, writing in New York, etc.) but eventually I'll have to put something into action. 

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