Tuesday, April 1, 2014

OOTD: Precious

Socks: Style from Style Nanda
Dress: Similar from A'Gaci
Apron: Similar from Gemini Vintage Store on Etsy
Cardigan: Similar from Windsor
Earrings: Francescas, similar from Charlotte Russe

Remember how I mentioned repurposing yesterday? Well, I kind of took it to another level by wearing an apron today. That's right; an apron. I saw it at an antique store at the coast and couldn't resist buying it--it was only $2 and my current favorite color (blush). I love the way it falls on me, so I kind of just wore it as a skirt over this dress. I got quite a few comments on this outfit--only some of them negative--but I guess that's part of taking risks in fashion. Personally, I loved this outfit, which is what fashion is all about in my opinion.

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